Here's a simple way to save money at the grocery store. Plan out your meals for the week and create a list of the items you will need for ingredients that you currently do not have at home. Also add to the list, anything else you may need for the week (like bread or milk), so that you can prepare to make ONE trip to this store for this week's shopping.
Beside each item on your list, estimate the cost of each.
e.g. milk $5, bread, $2.50, etc.
By doing this upfront, you will have an idea of the cost of your trip to the store.
Now, you MUST decide to STICK TO YOUR LIST when you go in and only focus on the things on your list. You may see many sale items that you think you should add to your cart but move on and only pick up the food on your list. If it's not written on your list, it will have to wait until your next trip in order to stay on budget.
While adding your items to the cart, take note of the actual cost compared to what you have estimated. This will allow you to see how close you are to staying on budget. By doing this, in time, you will learn the pricing of items you buy on a regular basis, so your estimates will be more accurate in the future.
I have been using this method at the store and it is working to stay within a certain food budget, as it is so easy to add things to your cart at the last minute. Having the preplanned menu for the week, your dinners are already established and it's just a matter of making them each day as you've already purchased what you need. The less trips to the store you make, the less chance you will overspend.
Good luck and include your feedback if you find this is working for you or if you have suggestions.
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