Taking Back Control of Your Finances in 2013!

If 2013 arrived and your outlook on your personal finances looks bleak, now is the time to take a stand and decide that you will finally do something about it. 

Starting today, get a clear picture of the money that comes into your household and find out EXACTLY what is being spent each month.  Go back through your online banking accounts, credit card statements, bills, etc. and try to get an idea of which categories your expenses fit into.  Do this for the past few months, so you have an idea of what a realistic amount would be to set aside for such expenses on a budget.  Once you have an idea of how much you are spending on particular categories, you can decide if some of the categories can be reduced or eliminated all together to free up funds for other areas.

Your first step in tackling your finances is AWARENESS!

Good luck on completing this crucial first step.
