Helping Relationships Stay Healthy During Crisis

Keeping a level mind during relationship challenges
is crucial for overcoming obstacles.

What Do Both Parties Want To Achieve From This Relationship?

Once the goals for the relationship has been firmly outlined and accepted, there would be some follow up steps that should be taken to ensure the goals set are achieved without eventually contributing to the downfall of the relationship.

  What’s In The Way?

 Making a list of the elements that could be possible contributing factors in not getting the goals achieved would be a wise and preemptive action to initiate. This will give both parties the leeway to be open and frank about their reservations and fears. It will also allow both parties to see each other's weaknesses and strengths, and work towards exploring the solutions that can be achieved by tackling each barrier as a team.

There are several things that would constitute actions that get in the way of achieving the end goals for the relationship. Some of these may prove to be unfounded and quite easily managed and eradicated, while others may present more of a challenge to the couple.

The ones that would be identified as a challenge, should be addressed without reservations to ensure these challenges don’t test the principles of both parties and also to ensure it does not in any way negatively affect the health of the relationship.

Sometimes there is a need to prioritize the items on the list of goals. Failing to do this could create confusion and stress that could lead to the goals becoming another angst rather than a healthy focus for the couple. Being prepared and aware of the necessity to change priorities is important, as more often than not situations arise unexpectedly that can cause the goals set to become defunct. Part of the list should be how to handle or address such possibilities.

Develop A Positive Attitude About Getting Help

Part of the growing process within a relationship is to understand and accept the need for positive intervention when things are not going according to plan. Being able to seek such help is pivotal in keeping on the road to recovery rather than disaster.

The Attitude

The most difficult effort to make is to abstain from seeking justice for the wronged feelings and experiences that both of you may have felt in the past. The individual would have to be strong enough and to want the relationship badly enough, to get to the stage where there is a positive attitude in place to help salvage the relationship by seeking change.

Bitterness will not help in any way, especially if the individual is interested in keeping a good grasp on the relationship. Despite the hurt and negativity, both parties should ideally try to let go of past mistakes and begin on a renewed path towards the future.

In many cases, the issue of trust within the relationship is the first thing that becomes a matter of contention for both parties.  Therefore making the effort to develop a positive attitude to building back the trust is an important step in the right direction.

 Forgiveness is another element that needs to be addressed in the process of cultivating a positive attitude. The positive impact of being ready to forgive can and usually does wonders for the failing relationship.  Many have attested to the success of salvaging a relationship when the positive element of forgiveness is widely and consciously practiced.

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Kim Halerwich-Clark is a Certified NLP Practitioner and Life Coach, as well as, the author of seven personal development books. Kim is an Instructor on Udemy where she teaches a variety of topics to students all around the globe.  

She is the Founder of The Solution Wizard Company that is dedicated to assisting individuals in overcoming challenges that face society every day.
