Once upon a time, there was a spider who was going about his day without a care in the world.
He woke up early, to the rise of the sun, and majestically danced amidst the dew drops that had settled on the petals of a nearby flower. He turned his tiny head towards the sun, and smiled as he realized the glorious world he lived in.
As he was being grateful, he decided he should get started on the day's task of spinning his web, as he would most likely get hungry in the evening hours. He climbed up a long branch, and as he looked down, he was amazed how far he had climbed, as the ants below seemed minuscule in size. He made his way from limb to limb, dancing and singing, as his web began to take shape.
After hours of work, his task was complete.
He crawled down to a leafy set of branches to rest, and as he looked back at his web, his heart began to sink. His lines were crooked and his entire web fell in a downward projection that made it seem more like a triangle, rather than a beautiful hexagon, like his parents had taught him. He glanced over to see his friend's web in the next branch, and his web was fantastic! The lines were symmetrical, and every detail was perfect. "How could he have accomplished such a design, as he had finished his web hours before me?" the spider thought to himself.
He sat on his lonely branch, feeling quite sorry for himself, as he knew his work wasn't up to the same standards as his parents, or his older spider friend. A tear seeped out of his eye, and made its way down one of his legs onto the leaf he sat upon. Just then, the sun caught sight of his teardrop, and a mesmerizing rainbow started to show inside of this tiny droplet of fluid. Inside his mind, he heard the phrase, "We are all God's creations and what you do is remarkable to me."
Suddenly, the spider perked up and his big smile returned as he looked back at his own web. Pride began to swell in his heart, as he realized that everyone that takes the time to create his own work, should be honoured for doing his best. He decided that he liked the way that his web slanted to the side. Perhaps, it would catch the next fly off-guard because he might be expecting a perfect web and the fly might know how to avoid those regular traps, but my web was different!
The moral of the story is you should never compare yourself to others, as we all sing a different song, and dance a different dance, but all and all, we are unique and our own personal talents are strictly what makes us who we are.
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