Sometimes our minds become run-a-way trains and will
derail us from what the present moment can offer.
How many times have you allowed your mind to wander down the deepest of rabbit holes?
Many people don't realize the detriment their own thoughts can create. Pondering over worst-case scenarios can steal our contentment and peace from an otherwise perfect moment. When we rely on information that our minds fabricate, we create an entire scene that is currently not our reality.
Take for instance, a person who is suffering from illness and they haven't been able to retrieve a diagnosis from their doctor in a timely manner. In their mind, thoughts swirl around, of all the different causes that their ailment could be attached to, and they create the mental outcomes based on a falsity.
It is best to take caution when spending your energy on such irrational circumstances, as the saying goes, "You can create a mountain, out of a mole hill."
Our thoughts are attached to the energy around us, and when we put those meandering wonders out into the universe, we may be attracting that negative energy towards us; which if done often enough, can manifest into the thing you originally feared.
When you find your mind wandering to scenarios that are not part of your personal current reality, it is recommended to take a mental note and then redirect your attention to a more positive solution of how it could turn out, "for the better". By focusing your concentration towards hopefulness, you will change the energy around the situation, so it becomes lighter and at ease.
When we talk about emanating our own personal energies, we want to make sure we are focused on the things that we do want... not on the things we fear. We give power to the thoughts that we think about most, so if you are trying to deal with a situation that is stressful, change your focus to something that feels just a little bit better.
It is in your best interest to wait and see how circumstances pan out before you allow panic to consume you, over something that hasn't happened yet. Focus strictly on the overcoming of the problem, rather than the symptoms of the issues that face you.
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